Okay brother
@s.c9 I've provided the post to my colleagues and they confirmed something with me after I examined your photos more closely during my travel back to my home.
Before we start, I need to provide the preamble findings to you and our brothers reading this to clear some issues. If the preambles are not correct, feel free to correct us. Your current penile condition required more than just a few "sexually assaulted" sessions to arrive where you are. Penile scarring to reach that kind of twisted degrees required more than a few years of abuses. Why? In order to reach that latitudinal roll a 35%, there must be substantial amount of contortion forces to create that kind of a scarring tissue bulk to cause your penis to roll to that tilted degree. Further more, the tilt requires at least a year of constant pressures to have such significant shift during the longitudinal growth (as the penis lengthened). On top of that, there's are still fresh bruising on your glans. This is from friction and high pressure constriction. This can only occur from using constrictive devices like clamps, pumps, or cock rings for a very long period past 30 minutes while force more volume pressure into the terminal point, the glans. We all came up with different scenarios, and we all concluded the same results. There's no way a group of females can use their teeth to cause scarring of tissues, or roughen the penile body to reach the point where the tilt of the penis to that drastic angle or the bruising of the glans. Why? Because we have significant others who do the same kind of oral to us for years, and they tend to be very wild with their sexual activities.
With that precursor evaluation aside, here are a few info you want to enjoy reading through from both old and new medical researches in dealing with scarification of tissues and corrective measures. These are renown medical institution supports on soft and hard tissues corrections for the current days that you should have already seen during your quick searches:
Scar revision may improve the appearance of a scar or restore function to a part of the body that may have been restricted by the scar.
A hypertrophic scar is a thick raised scar. It’s an abnormal response to wound healing. Scarring more commonly occurs in areas where your skin is taut.
Overview of Functional Movement Systems offered at the Sports Medicine Clinic at Baylor College of Medicine....
Convention old tech meet new methods:
Have you noticed a bend or curve in your penis when you have an erection? Learn more about Peyronie’s disease.
Peyronie's disease is a condition in which scar tissue in the penis causes the penis to bend. WebMD looks at its causes, symptoms, and treatment.
I won't bore with more links as you can use the existing keywords to search for the latest trends on corrective approaches.
Documented cases and publications:
Learn about Peyronie’s disease, the causes, how it develops, the risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment options, and clinical trials.
These are the most recent release info for your enjoyment. I can pull past info that were precedential researches for the current publications going far back in the 1990s. If you want them, I can also pull them up for you.