Clamping method

Hey bro can i pump with a condom or a sleeve i read by redzulu that is better, or i pump normal?
Im using bathmate as pump and a sleeve

Yes you can and many men have. Most do this to keep water retention down.
Ok so the good news its i feel heavier my dick and when i end the session i was not fully erect but same as when i do clamping girth wich is 13 cm.
The bad is that i fail at the session, first the ssq i believe where being wrong, i did something like jelqing so my hand has slipping to the head and with the other hand pushing my head backwards but eventually they were 1/2 inch or less far, others i just clamped with one hand cause i understand that on a video and with the other pushing backwards with a wall-hand on the head.

This maybe is not the biggest problem, the biggest problem is that im not getting 100% erect i can go maybe 90% and when in doing ssj i go soft to 50% or maybe less and then stimulate and watch �naked people movies� again to get 80% or more erect doing a strong kegel clamp with the hand and procced but every time happens the same i was going soft and i begin to think i was doing it so bad that it wont work that way.

The other thing is that then i tried to get an erection to enter bathmate but this was so hard that i ended up entering with a kegel and 70% or more erect, as far as i know i need to be erect as possible for better expansión, clamping does help me cause now i can go full pressure without any pain, only pain is in my balls getting sucked.

So this is a real problem for me, i think im doing it wrong and i wont get ressults, any advice?
I read in this same forum that you could use 1/4 of viagra before session, but im scared of that fucks me up on the large demand, there is something like a pill sex "safer" in México its called "m force" i dont know if can try it im not huge fan of medicine and i have am ansiety problem so dont know if this is hard mix.

Im going to look for more videos but any advice would help me, i usually have strong erections but sometimes i have this problem i need to be very turned on and not all �naked people movies� make that magic on me, i edge + balloon almost daily since i have premature ejaculation too, but i never cum.

Thanks in avance
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You answered your own question my friend Viagra is the answer. What I would do is buy 100 mg tablets and cut them in fourths. 25 mg of Viagra will give you erection strength you need to get these jobs done properly. We do not carry it but I buy mine from All Day Chemist, they have the best prices in the best quality.
Im from México so that would be a problem xD they are cheap tho, im overthinking to use them, i dont have ed problems and dont want em, plus the anxiety disorder. But thanks im gonna ask a friend that is nurse if it can damage me prolongued time of 25mg evrry two days
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Im from México so that would be a problem xD they are cheap tho, im overthinking to use them, i dont have ed problems and dont want em, plus the anxiety disorder. But thanks im gonna ask a friend that is nurse if it can damage me prolongued time of 25mg evrry two days

Follow up and let me know how it goes my brother.
I use daily 5mg tadalafil.,much cheaper than viagra, I get 28 tablets for price or 4 or 6 viagra albeit daily dose
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It looks that there is no problem im going to use viagra (cialis its more expensive here in México anf there is no generic) i got from a nurse pills of 50 mg im gonna take half and try luck thanks ill report later after workout
Ok DLD this is it.. Now this is what i was looking for bro, im .5cm thicker than when i was clamping and after the set this stays for longer period, im now sleeping with a an sleeve folded because i dont have a cockring but im gonna buy one soon, i pump with the sleeve and the only thing im worried its im getting fluid retention near the glans and i dont want this to slow my progress, maybe im gonna try with a condom and rehuse it as long as it will be for pumping nothing bad should happen, i feel the difference, i like how it feels and looks, its heavy.

Many thanks ill keep going with 25mg viagra and doing this

I think you are sort of an angel, thank you very much.
If someone wants to know i was 13 cm a little less sometimes when clamping and with this routine im 13.5 cm after workout and this is the first workout ive done complete good session.
Hey bro i forgot to ask, is this daily routine or i do as clamping 3 times per week?
Hey bro i forgot to ask, is this daily routine or i do as clamping 3 times per week?

I’m confused on the question can you rephrase it for me?
Am should i take 1 day off after completing workout? Or this has to be done daily
Am should i take 1 day off after completing workout? Or this has to be done daily

If you can train every day
I have always trained 7 days on no days off. I think this type of schedule promotes a more habitual program. For me days off can quickly turn into weeks off so it is better for me to be a daily trainer. I also believe that the penis only needs 24 hours of recovery before it is trained again. Some guys either do not have the time for this or it may be too difficult at first. In this case I recommend deducting one day at a time until the perfect routine is created. i.e. 6 on 1 off, 5 on 2 off.
Thanks bro ill go 5 daya per week since i cant saturday and sunday, ill keep it up.

The cock ring can be used all the time? No blood problems?
Bro im not so sure about using a cockring after workout for too long period my dick is big yes but its starting to hurt
Bro im not so sure about using a cockring after workout for too long period my dick is big yes but its starting to hurt

Be careful, I personally recommend 20 to 30mins after workout. If you want to go longer just remove after the initial 20 to 30 mins for a minute breather, massage and put back on for bit
Yeah i can go for 30 mins after workout, more starts to hurt like hell, the dick becomes way bigger but it hurts too much.
Go for 60 minutes at a time remove massage, jelq your penis to expansion again and then put the cock ring back on for another hour.
Really does depend on the dude and how tight/comfortable the cock ring is, play it safe and work out what suits you, don't let your penis go too cold and purple or suffer too much pain
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Really does depend on the dude and how tight/comfortable the cock ring is, play it safe and work out what suits you, don't let your penis go too cold and purple or suffer too much pain

very good advice. When you noticed that your head is cold and purple you want to take off ring and return good circulation before going for another set.
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