
Jun 12, 2011
I am a quadrapeligic in a wheel chair which has left me unable to move from the chest down. As u can imagine not as easy to satisfy girls when we have sex bein unable to move. So I want to increase my penis size just to make up for some of the lost in movement. I have minimal use of hands. When I say minimal I mean that I can't move fingers very far and close with much pressure. I could prob get enough grip to stretch a little but to jelq correctly I think would be hard. I'm not really able to wear a stretcher do to have to have a condom cath on. Also I have to have an aid help get me up so privacy isn't really there except for when I shower. Does anyone have any advice of ideas how I could gain a couple more inches. Thanx for any help
Welcome to MOS and I am impressed that you are taking such a big step for yourself. If you can grip your penis strong enough when it is flaccid you can stretch anytime, bed is a great place where you will have privacy. How strong are your hands and if you had to say, how well can you grip? Open a bottle? Squeeze a tennis ball? Etc. Just so I have some kind of idea. Also, the Bathmate may be an option for you when you Bathe. You really only need to push down on the pump to make it work and from there it does the rest, so maybe that is an option. Let us get a few more details and we can help more. Will your assistant help you in your quest or is this not possible?
Welcome to the forum and let me say you sound like one brave guy to want to initiate penis enlargement given the obvious difficulties you'll encounter.

To come up with something relatively intelligent and actually useful for you...I have to think deeply on this.
My first thought would be for you to incorporate a partner in your Penis Enlargement journey; girlfriend, therapist, neighbor.
A lot of guys without nerve damage complain about tiredness/weakness of grip hindering their progress, I can just imagine you having the same problems.

Maybe you're a prime candidate for the Bathmate, with a little help.

I'll keep tryin' to come up with something useful.

Good luck & welcome again.
If you could manage with someone helping you I think hanging could be something practical. The Bathmate is also pretty easy to attach with just warm water and pressure against your penis. Very easy and effective. Let us know how it is going.
yeah, for me too the Bathmate came first to mind.
If you can't compress the Bathmate, you might wanna look into hydropumping with a classical cylinder, an elecrical pump and a water valve. Or maybe not electrical so you can still use it in the shower, maybe with a brake fluid sucking thingy (there was a thread on that on �other PE site�, I'll look for it, if you think that might be worth it) Will probably set you back about 200 USD or so though.

Another option I thought about was hanging, but I dunno how viable that is:
Have a look at the video here http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?60611-LM-Bundled-Hanging-How-To-Video-By-Superdick (graphic) to know what I'm talking about (he's doing bundled, you'd just hang without twisting your dick and maybe just 2-5 lbs to start out with - this guy is crazy ;) ), but don't just start out right away. This is advanced stuff and usually ppl move there after lots of manual experience. Special circumstances, special means though, I'd say here.
Hope you get back to us, we really want to help!
Thanks for the advice... I can open a bottle but it takes me a few trys in order to get the grip. The Bathmate would prob be a good idea but I would have to have my aid give it to me an u don't know about that.. Atleast at the moment maybe after a few months when I get more comfortable with her.for now I will try some stretchin in bed.. and to do jelqs I'm gonna try using both my hands may be difficult. Should I take any supplements to help increase blood flow?? I know its gonna be hard especially with my grip problem but I'm not afraid of hard work so once I start this I'm gonna be dedicated I really want/need it to work.
You might just want to read up on penis clamping and jelqing while erect. This will help with girth gains.
If you have enough strength and mobility you might want to consider the LengthMaster for length gains.

Hate to sound like I'm pushin' gear (at extra expense, no less) but I dunno if you'd be capable of full on Penis Enlargement without some kinda tooling and these options are the best I can come up with right now with my dusty old brain.
I was thinking about an air pump. I haven't had experience with it yet, but I'm thinking it may be easier to slip on and just squeeze the handle somehow. Stillwantmore is the guy who has a bunch of experience with air pumps. It is probably right around the corner for me that I will be trying it out soon I really want it in my routine. Maybe we could start around the same time together and work through it. Here is a link for the MOS air pump MityPump. What do you think about that? I guess LAPumps.com has some other good quality pumps in case you wanted to look at some other versions.
Great suggestions thus far, I hope he is hearing us!
This is all great stuff... I don't think I can do the hanging thing. I was under the impression that results from pump weren't permanent. And if I could use the Bathmate how long would I use it for at a time?
quadfather;438003 said:
This is all great stuff... I don't think I can do the hanging thing. I was under the impression that results from pump weren't permanent. And if I could use the Bathmate how long would I use it for at a time?

Results from pumping are permanent, the temporary swelling isn't:) The Bathmate would be a great choice for you during bath time. Also, how strong (gripping) are your hands? Can you open a soda bottle? Just trying to figure out the range of motion and strength you have in your hands.
O ok good to know...how long do u use the Bathmate for each time if I can use it. I can't open a soda bottle before the seal has been cracked but afterwards I can.
quadfather;438010 said:
O ok good to know...how long do u use the Bathmate for each time if I can use it. I can't open a soda bottle before the seal has been cracked but afterwards I can.

The Bathmate is my favorite device, it is very, very easy to use, and it is very cost effective. When I started using the Bathmate I was skeptical just as any other person is when they start out using penis pumps, hanging devices, manual exercises, etc. The Bathmate clicked for me a couple weeks after consistently using it everyday. The gains are not permanent immediately after my first month or 2 of pumping. I pumped everyday for 20-30min. I started noticing the difference in my penis approx 4 months into using it. I was very determined to succeed at penis enlargement and included many other ways of exercising in my routine. My first progress thread was titles "Battle of My Dick vs Gravity" you can read about my progress starting there. I noticed something different about the Bathmate. Slowly I began pumping longer sets multiple times a day. One day I didn't fit anymore! The best part of the Bathmate I feel is the minimal effort it takes to use.

For a person not in your condition we take for granted that it does not take the extra effort in putting on the Bathmate. I feel that with some practice and determination you too could achieve success using the Bathmate. I am not so knowledgeable with Quadriplegia, but the way I feel is if you wanted to learn how to use the Bathmate bad enough you could construct yourself to become compatible. This is also how I feel about hanging. It may be a struggle at first, but with the right equipment and the advice we will help you with I believe you can do it! I don't think you should not have a fair chance to make this happen because you are limited physically. It may take some trust to gain a friend to help you, but there must be a way to find a way for a device you can adjust to. Even if we have to invent the FIRST quadriplegic penis enlargement device! WHY NOT!? You deserve it as much as any of us do and if you can get up to a computer to ask for the help our job is to bring you the answer. So if you try a Bathmate I would offer you give it a chance, be prepared for some hard work. Lots of guys are not successful with Penis Enlargement because it is a long road and sometimes after the months of work day after day it gets hard- the ones who are successful are the ones who stick with it, learn to love it, and battle through the fire. There is not any less chance for you. I have never seen a dream MOS could not fulfill.
The Bathmate sounds like it would work the best for me I've been researching it and it sounds n looks like something that i can use. I know its gonna be pretty hard work but it is something I really want so when I start it I'm gonna give it a real chance. And I think as long as I post any ?? Or concerns I have everyone will give me the best advice they can. I'm gonna check out ur progress post... Can u use the Bathmate just as a regular pump not in the shower?
HydroPump = Water-Pump :) Need the water.
I was just thinking that the jelq device that's out there might be useful in this situation as I think it would require less squeezing (as jelqing) and just more of a pulling motion? Just a thought for the jelqing issue.
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