An Interesting quote from a very well known male �naked people movies� star....




"Let me tell you a secret: in this business everybody has herpes, myself included. Every professional in the �naked people movies�-world has herpes, male or female. It's the smallest thing you can get, it's really nothing serious. Now and then it shows up on your body, then you get small blisters or ulcers on your mouth or genitals. Sometimes it returns once in two years, sometimes two times a month. It's called Herpes Simplex.

"My doctor said every fourth person on earth has some kind of herpes, a quarter of the total world-population."

But you don't have to worry no more, for you already have it. (Sighs)

"Probably I got it even before I came into this business. "

I presume you don't work when blisters and ulcers show on your lips?

"No, then I have to rest for a week and take my medicine."
Yeah, the 1 : 4 thing is about right. That does, however, include types of herpes that are basically of no medical concern whatsoever, unlike these �naked people movies� stars' nasty sores.
One couldn't possibly work in that industry for too long and not get herpes.
I think he's referring to the 'cold sore' type herpes. Like, the one you get blisters in your mouth. I don't think he's referring to genital herpes, could be wrong though.
The core-sore variety would definitely be common, but I've heard as many as 1 in 5 of us carry genital herpes. Given the number of people a �naked people movies� star has sex with, I would think the disease would be almost universal in the industry.
Herpes to a �naked people movies�star is like a gunshot wound to a front line soldier. Kind of a mark of duty I guess.
Ah yes, the sacrifices they make to keep the rest of us happy in our �naked people movies� fantasies.
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