All hanger How To Videos Now On BitChute!

@Lightning we should consider some of these ideas. I really feel as though Google and YouTube are going to be Waze of the past with all of their security issues. I think we should get ahead of the game and start working for ranking in places like Bing and Yahoo. I also think we should have alternative video platforms other than YouTube. He’s companies are getting too big for their Bridges!
I have mentioned it to you in the past, but best to speak with higherone on that score.
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And you were right, things are rapidly changing and we need to be prepared.
NEVERMIND these guys either. So two faced. Got blocked. I've got my stuff on now in the form of links in my how to guide. That's all I need.
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I really had a hard time navigating their site, I don’t care for it at all
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