Recent content by TylerVo

  1. T

    You know you're addicted to PE when....

    When you watch the bulge of other man, even if you're not gay.
  2. T

    Body Orgasm

    It's weird. Although owning and using one of these would make me no less hetrosexual I still associate sticking things up your arse as being gay. When you think about it it is in no way gay. I'm tempted to get one if they really are that good.. . . . As long as my friends don't know about it
  3. T

    Kettle Bell Thread

    Day 4 20 minute kettle bell hang/stretch followed by 10 minute wet erect jelqing X 2 sessions. Day 5 20 minute kettle bell hang /stretch and 10 minute erect wet jelqing ...hopefully I will get a second session before the end of the day .
  4. T

    Results of 5 weeks of Clamping Everyday with minimal Rest

    Penis Enlargement is not only a psychological addiction, it's a physical addiction. I keep thinking about it all the time, feeling weak over my body, and other things, when I am not stretching my cock(hanging/ADS) or working it with my hands or a pump. I don't know if I could honestly "quit"...
  5. T

    15% off Worlds best Leech Oil!! Exclusive to MOS Members

    Noticed today that the vascularity to my penis is like a road map! Since using the more potent oil (#5 on the site linked in the banner from my signature) twice I have seen this. Its said to have around 50 herbs, don't know what and think I will enquire about them. Certainly does something to...
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