Recent content by TheChillDude

  1. T

    the art of growth enhancing fatigue management

    You seem to have some experience with girth so I'd like to know what routine you started doing as a beginner for girth
  2. T

    stretching and pain

    When I stretch after a while of firmly holding my penis while stretching my penis will start to hurt where I'm holding it. I would like to know the reason for this and how to prevent it if any kind person would have some tips haha.
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    jelqing pressure

    Hey all you gainers. I have a question and things to say. I feel typically when jelqing is explained no one explains where to apply pressure and what the effects are. For example I know you use an OK sign but when doing that do I apply even pressure all the way around the penis? Or apply most of...
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    stretching questions

    I just recently got back into pe. And realize I don't completely know what I'm doing for stretching. For example how to really feel the stretch and not just stretch the skin because sometimes when I try to stretch I just pull up the skin and it goes over my head. How would I fix this problem...
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    head problems

    i almost forgot, besides even strength with both hands, what are some different grips you guys would recommend to even this out or will just any set of different grips even it out? and other than erection level, are there certain grips that would help with length gains and certain ones that...
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    head problems

    walkingmoon- no there isnt any pain or discomfort. a picture would make more sense but i got this new phone off of ebay and the camera on it dont even work and i have no other way:/. admirallongdong- are you talking about with the stretches or jelqs? with my stretches i pretty much use my...
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    head problems

    sooo ive been doing dlds beginner routine for a little over a month now and ive noticed that my head is starting to look different and i have no clue why. ive been doing exactly everything im supposed to, the only thing different, is when doing stretches i slide up my penis throughout it because...
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    How to properly wet jelq milk the penis for growth enlargement

    when jelqing, once you get to the top with one hand, does your free hand start and then you let go with the first hand or do you let go with the first hand rightt before you start with the free hand
  9. T

    skin difference

    Soooo ive been doing dlds beginner routine and ive started to notice something different. its with the skin below my head, it looks like on the right side it is becoming farther away from the head if that makes any sense and the left side looks closer with less of a space, it also looks like the...
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