Recent content by straatius

  1. straatius

    quick jelqing question

    I just want to make sure I'm envisioning what you are saying here... your grip is over or below the penis? With the thumb to the body? I don't know if I'm doing it correctly, but what feels the most comfortable for me, is basically a jerking-off position (thumb and index finger farthest away...
  2. straatius

    Sweetening the taste of semen

    Citric Acid is in pineapple, isn't it? I used to drink a ton of lemonade... she didn't like it. I switched off to drinking a non-caffeinated soda, and it was much more tolerable for her. Lemon, Orange, and Pineapple have citric acid in them, but I assume pineapple to a lesser extent. Anyone...
  3. straatius

    How many of you guys let your girl know about you pp enlargement?

    I told my girlfriend when I stopped Penis Enlargement, and all she said was "Thank God!" She's pretty understanding though, because she isn't happy with her breast size; if there were some way of increasing them without surgery or expensive drugs, I am sure she would do it. I think after...
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