Recent content by silkysmooth

  1. silkysmooth

    The reason for homosexual urges among straight men!

    I thought most homosexuals had anal sex. Hydromaxmm... If a person decides that they are attracted to someone of the same sex and that perhaps they wouldn't mind experiencing some kind of intimacy with someone of the same sex, does that make them a homosexual/bisexual. I have found that...
  2. silkysmooth

    Tyson knocked out...

    Who cares how he spent his money and why. It was his money and his lesson learned. Life is short and some people live to make it shorter. At any rate, he was something amazing and his time as come and gone. Wrong women, wrong partners, wrong decisions. Hopefully he will become a commentator...
  3. silkysmooth

    How to Really Eat Pussy!

    I don't talk about sex with any of my girlfriends and there are several reasons why. If I mention to some female that my husband ate me out last night where all I wanted to do for the rest of my life was to swallow him whole, they'd see my husband in a different light. He will no longer be...
  4. silkysmooth

    favorite sex positions

    Most men like doggie style. It feels good but it's not my favorite position because I like to look at the person I am with and for him to see me. Insecure me at times think it is very easy for a guy to fantasize about another woman when he isn't looking into my eyes. I picked other for this...
  5. silkysmooth


    Hi. I was chatting to a guy last night who was into shemales. He shared some really erotic looking pictures with me. I am not sure how comfortable I would be having sex with a man who looked better than me as a woman and had better tits. But to each its own. :)
  6. silkysmooth

    How Kinky Are We?

    Hi, I'm new here and have been lurking for sometime. I guess it'd be nice to get a few post under my belt. I feel the kinky side of me is slipping away from me like leaves in a wind storm. It's still there but way out of sight. I used to want to have threesomes. But my husband wasn't...
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