Recent content by shalooong

  1. S

    The Ring of Power

    Has anyone experienced insomnia from using the RoP? I know a side effect of high doses of minerals (and heavy metals - copper and zinc are both) in some people can cause issues sleeping. Also, how often should the rods be cleaned/buffed? I notice mine are fading quickly after i put the scouring...
  2. S

    Hello all

    Welcome. There are a lot of good supplements that are beneficial for getting bigger/stronger or losing fat mass. It will be universally more helpful for you if you're able to tell us what you're doing now for exercise and diet, than for me to tell you that you should start taking ______.
  3. S

    Low testosterone causes

    Free testosterone doesn't necessarily tell the whole story without a full hormone panel. That said, if you feel good, I wouldn't start putting outside compounds into your system. -However, if you plateau and feel like your recovery could be better, you may want to look into it. Also, depending...
  4. S

    Thought on L-Arginine

    Nice I never considered that before. I'll have to ponder that. My theory has been that the more semen you have stored in you, the harder it is to keep from ejaculating. Like hold off from blowing for a week or two and I'm betting most people will have issues holding back during their normal...
  5. S

    Link to my classic guide

    This place sucks, none of the links ever wrong... fucking click-bait mother-fuckers
  6. S

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Bump on the turkey song!
  7. S

    Strengthen grip while stretching? MaleBridge apparatus?

    Have you tried using baby powder (talcum powder) or even using some latex/rubber gloves? I haven't worked my way to any of those stretches yet, but the talc has been amazing for me.
  8. S

    Happy Thanksgiving

    To everyone at MOS, happy thanksgiving! Question is (if you haven't considered it already); what are you thankful for? I'm thankful for my health, athletic ability, my family, all the tools to be successful I've been blessed with. I'm thankful for the many other things in my life that make...
  9. S

    First month gain!

    Hey that's awesome! Keep working your goals and keep making progress! The pop isn't bad, I've heard them referred to as "lig pops" on �other forum�, and they're supposedly completely harmless and sort of a sign you're making gains. As long as you felt no pain or anything you shouldn't worry, it's...
  10. S

    Bigger, Stronger, Faster

    I thought it was a great movie! Explored many, many facets of the use of steroids. It definitely breaks the "magic mirror" of people seeing what they want to see when it comes to athletics. People telling me the Jamaican sprinters didn't use drugs make me die laughing. Another good work is...
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