Recent content by REDBEAM*+!

  1. REDBEAM*+!

    Varying flaccid lengths

    Surprisingly, when I'm sitting comfortably be it on the damn sofa or what chair, my flaccidd is insanely huge, filled with blood to the max. It measures about 6-6.5 inches, which is 1 inch shy off my erect length. BUT! When I'm standing or moving about, lil fella shrinks to about 4 inches, which...
  2. REDBEAM*+!

    Stretchy skin

    Yes, i get really sore, a fucking great sensation, and the sessions are profound. I use the rubber gloves and powder to, my grip is vicious but at time my skin gets in the way. I have returned to doing the newbie routine, with some extra workouts like Ulis, and clamping and Testicle health massage!
  3. REDBEAM*+!

    Stretchy skin

    I use hospital gloves, powder my dick for more grip
  4. REDBEAM*+!

    Stretchy skin

    To be more specific, i could be doing an outward stretch and my skin just stretches all the way too, and im cut, tf!
  5. REDBEAM*+!

    Stretchy skin

    My skin gets in the way of my stretching, what to do?
  6. REDBEAM*+!

    How to increase glans size?

  7. REDBEAM*+!

    How to increase glans size?

    What manual exercises increase glans size?
  8. REDBEAM*+!

    My top 3 best head girth routines!

    There’s angion 1.0,2.0,3.0. In 1.0 it mostly deals with improved eq and more vascularity, same as 2.0 but instead more flaccid hang, 3.0 is a complement of both
  9. REDBEAM*+!

    My top 3 best head girth routines!

    Throughout my p.e journey, I’ve tried different variations of routines, some which include head girth, and I’ve come to a conclusion listing one of the best,in my opinion, head girth routines: 1. The infamous SSJ 2.Angion series 3. Manual clamping (double hand method) What are your...
  10. REDBEAM*+!

    Erect stretches

    Thanks again dld
  11. REDBEAM*+!

    Erect stretches

    Can erect stretches induce peyronies?
  12. REDBEAM*+!


    Thanks DLD
  13. REDBEAM*+!


    Is it better to perform jelqs in rep ranges ie 600( 2 sec jelqs) or jelqing for a certain duration ie 10 minutes consisting of 3-5 sec jelqs?
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