Recent content by Razzman

  1. Razzman

    How we all become insecure about our penis.

    Well, my insecurities have always been linked to underlying doubts concerning my masculinity. When I was younger, I was very thin and not very athletic (always excelling more in intellectual activities.) I couldn't help but compare myself with the other young boys who played sports and did...
  2. Razzman

    Newbie who doesn't even know if he's Kegeling correctly

    Thank you very much, lazyhanger. I assume those are the two different muscles I've been detecting. If you don't mind, I've got a couple more questions. 1) How necessary is it to do both Kegels and Reverse Kegels? 2) How important to your results would you say the warm-up part of the...
  3. Razzman

    Newbie who doesn't even know if he's Kegeling correctly

    Yes, I know that if you stop the flow of urine you can find the PC muscle. But I've also read that doing this too many times actually weakens the PC muscle, and I'm having trouble having confidence that I'm flexing the right one. First off, there are two muscles that I can identify down...
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