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      mjdk reacted to oldandlively's post in the thread New member - story with Like Like.
      Ease up with the self torture. Make sure to find ways to lessen or improve the pains. Comforts is the key to growth. Pains initiate...
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      mjdk reacted to huge-girth's post in the thread New member - story with Like Like.
      Keep up the good work brother.
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      mjdk replied to the thread New member - story.
      Sounds good, and reasonable... And high stretch is often the problem - slipping out. Will use time today to perfect my wrapping technique
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      mjdk replied to the thread New member - story.
      Status: Tried to use some double wrap techniques, getting a good stretch now with no discomfort. Pulled back foreskin, applied a bit...
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      mjdk replied to the thread New member - story.
      Varies on how I wrap, and how hard I am when wrapping. Working on it.. 👍
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      mjdk replied to the thread New member - story.
      Love this forum already. I did my jelq today, and stretched for nearly 3 hours - high tension (ca 2000g) on the JES Still slipping out...
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      mjdk reacted to ytf7's post in the thread New member - story with Like Like.
      I gained 1,5 cm after 1.000 hours with the JES extender, in less that 1 year. 4-6 hours per day, 5 days per week. Traction force 1.200...
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      mjdk replied to the thread Starting big aiming bigger👍🏼.
      Lucky you are very young still. , wish I started LONG time ago myself. Be carefull only looking at lenght, most girls dont like being...
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      Hey there. Hope you keep it up, stretching!!. How is it going?
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      mjdk replied to the thread New member - story.
      Thanks, sounds very 👍. What was your starting point?. As I understand so far, most grow ca 10pct and then very slowly from there...
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      mjdk replied to the thread New member - story.
      My will is strong, but hard to fit in more than 1-2hrs a day stretching. Jelq in the shower possible - will do. 😄
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      mjdk replied to the thread New member - story.
      Thanks, and I listen and keep learning. Will not give up here, and TBH i did not expect to gain 2.5cm in 300hrs - more a point of having...
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      mjdk replied to the thread New member - story.
      So.. i take all advise I can get here, my goal is that 20cm/16cm size. I will look into better wrapping, for more time and comfort. I...
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      mjdk replied to the thread New member - story.
      Will come back with a longer answer tomorrow, points taken👍. Bedtime here
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      mjdk replied to the thread New member - story.
      Sounds good, nice gains. I have tried to find results and studies on this, but not much to find. I have seen/calculated that most gain...
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