Recent content by KeepGrowing

  1. K

    Would YOU like a dating/seduction board?

    For sure, anything to improve my game
  2. K

    Whey protein question

    How much protein can be digested has been going for a long time, with no one agrreeing. I would suggest taking your daily protein needs divid it by 5 or 6 (being meals). Take one these servings after your workout along with Some Carbs; no fat though. The reason carbs and no fat is: Carbs will...
  3. K

    Unarmed Combat.

    I would strongly suggest training in Mixed Martial Arts club, over a book any day. It can be hard to learn from a book if you don't have the experience. Look for a Mixed Martial Arts club that trains fighters. This will allow you to test your stuff in a setting that will most resemble a street...
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