Recent content by JrJohnson

  1. J

    Sex Performance Question

    The white sticky stuff on the inside of the vagina is just the natural discharge that most women have. When a women ejaculates, it comes from the Skene glans and exits out around her urethra. This is a more thin stream that isn't too different than the prostatic fluid a man produces. Women...
  2. J

    DLD's Footlong Stretch...Very Powerful Downward Stretch

    Yes the belt is closed into a long loop. You just hang the loop from your wrist as close as you can to the hand and whichever foot feels most comfortable steps on the bottom of the loop. It works very well. I haven't seen any length gains lately and I noticed my LOT was now at about 7 or 6...
  3. J

    DLD's Footlong Stretch...Very Powerful Downward Stretch

    Well I tried it out and as I thought, there was no way I could get my foot onto my wrist unless I drop another 20-30 pounds first. I tried the belt and I have to admit it is pretty intense. I have to work on the grip a bit because it didn't seem to hit my ligs as hard as I thought they would...
  4. J

    DLD's Footlong Stretch...Very Powerful Downward Stretch

    If it's difficult to get your leg up and onto the wrist, I wonder if it would be the same intensity if you used a looped belt wrapped around the wrist and let it hang down and step on the bottom of the loop. I think it might work, but it would be right arm gripping and right leg stepping. Damn...
  5. J

    flaccid stretch and EL

    What are some of those erect stretches? I've been doing some gentle bending down so that I don't snap junior. Is there any benefit to doing those SO, SU, sides? I don't try to point it down because I tend to point at 10 o'clock when fully hard. My flacid has been about 1/4 inch over my...
  6. J

    When I was a kid I had 7" of girth one day

    Yes this is no joke. Allergic reactions to insect stings can cause your airways to constrict to the point of not being able to breathe. If it can make your penis swell up, just think of all the parts of your body where that would be bad to have happen.
  7. J

    When I was a kid I had 7" of girth one day

    Is it worth risking Anaphylactic shock? Maybe not from one bee sting. But since when does the average Penis Enlargement guy do something only once when he sees temporary gains? They'll do more regularly and repeated stings increase the chance you can die. Getting a big dick is cool, but...
  8. J

    penis grows .5 " RIGHT after jelqs. Goes down later tho=/

    I would mix in a few short Uli's while jelqing to condition it first. Even the Uli's can be intense. I get quite a bit of expansion and my flacid girth and hang after a good session is almost as big as my erect size. It's hard to measure while I'm using one hand around the base to actually...
  9. J

    Unbelievable New Girth Exercise!! Fast Gains

    I've been doing them too since I read this. It seems to be helping on the girth. Although I noticed that my dick feels quite a bit more worn out the next day. I was doing a 5 days on 2 days off and had to go to 3 days on and 1 day off because by day 4 my dick went on strike and laid down in...
  10. J

    Is This Already An Exercise?

    I have a stretch that seems to work good for me. I stand in front of my bathroom vanity cabinet and put one foot on top of the counter and try and keep the leg as close as I can to my chest. The other foot is on the floor. I then use the ok grip and pull my dick straight down. This seems to...
  11. J


    I guess if I had found Big Al's forum back then I could be big Jr now!
  12. J


    Thanks! I actually did try Penis Enlargement about 10 years ago when I paid $35 for a document that described stretching and jelqing. It wasn't too different than the current newbie routine. The difference now is that everyone is on the internet and message boards are loaded with people...
  13. J


    Thanks for the input. I was more interested in common practice than actually thinking about competition. I'm kind of anal about doing things the same way. Besides at my newbie stage I'm fighting to leave average behind. I just don't like fooling myself with measuring the wrong way. I just...
  14. J


    So far my habit has been to measure often because... well it's new and fun! But mostly just to see if my workouts are having some sort of positive effect or am I below my normal stats. If I see below normal, I know it might be time for a day or two off. Last night I measured about 1/8 longer...
  15. J

    The Admirals Lig Stretch

    Been doing them on a few mornings and don't really get that strong stretch feeling form the ligs. I'm only holding 30 seconds though as the grip can get really slippery for me. Also doesn't the dorsal vein run though that lig area between the CC and pubic bone? I would hate to rip that thing...
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