Recent content by hokies111

  1. H

    Jelqin Newbie here My first time experience

    looking good man, keep up the great work!
  2. H

    wtb a cheap bathmate. anyone selling or want to donate :)

    if the shipping comes to be too much i would be willing to see you my old one for 50 dollars shipped. the only thing that shows wear is the sticker of the side is starting to peel off a little.
  3. H

    Did tb-500 cause my great gains

    would you ever inject them into your dick?
  4. H

    LengthMaster official order thread - now shipping 1/1/2019

    so do you have an idea when they will be ready?
  5. H

    Did tb-500 cause my great gains

    you should stay off for a month or so and then start again so you can have something to compare to.. then you can have something to kind of compare it to and help us that havent tried it.
  6. H

    Deep Penetration Experiment - With Dildo and Woman

    awesome thread!! This is great so guys can get a realistic number on how big they want to be while not being too big.
  7. H

    What pills actually work?

    ive used vigrx, it will help with your flacid length and performance, i didnt notice any erect length but i wasnt really paying attention and only used them for a month
  8. H

    It does not work!

    maybe you should learn how to be patient and actually use them how they are supposed to be used.. maybe ask some questions because im sure not everyone is lying..
  9. H

    About the guys who are 6 inch

    same thing happened to me, girlfreind was wondering if i have ever thought i was a little small. measure 5.8 EL and 4.5 EG, would like to get atleast 7 EL and prolly 5.5-6.0 EG for sure.
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