Recent content by Heat89

  1. H

    Watermelon, the New Viagra

    Fortunately, my girlfriend's melons still give me hard ons. ;) Thanks for the tip, though.
  2. H

    Is THIS A JOKE or A Real PE Tool?

    Nice product plug there, jermboy. As others have said, that thing doesn't do anything you can't do with a towel or your hand. @sasquatch If it is a virus then you better shoot your computer before the virus becomes airborne.
  3. H

    does masturbating while p e ing slow down gains

    I find that I stay pumped all day if I haven't bust one in a while, and my exercises seem to go much better. Recovery time seems shorter as well. I think it's beneficial not to, but that's just my opinion based on my own experience.
  4. H

    Guys smaller than 5.25 NBPEL and 5.25 EG (mid)

    You might not be interested in my opinion because I'm a little larger, but your problem is not the size of your penis. Your problem is that your confidence is based on the size of your penis. Confidence is what makes us sexy. Period. You don't need anything to be confident. You just need to...
  5. H

    The best lube for jelqing and health

    I've been using Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Creme. It's based on vegetable glycerin, it's 99.4% natural and contains vitamin E, it's about as thick as petroleum jelly (maybe a little thicker), and it has a nice scent. I would actually be thrilled if the scent stuck. It contains olive oil...
  6. H

    im having sex problems and its causing insecurity

    That is EXACTLY what the problem is. This has become an unknown epidemic. Run a search and you'll find loads of forums full of guys with �naked people movies�-induced ED. I quit masturbating and watching �naked people movies� completely a week ago when I noticed that I was no longer getting hard ons from checking out real...
  7. H

    size seems relative after a while

    Remember that the jar needs to be a perfect cylinder for that to be 100% accurate.
  8. H

    gain length and girth by doing NOTHING at all

    How often/frequently and for what duration would you recommend taking a decon break? A week every two months? One month every five months? I'm Penis Enlargementing seven days a week.
  9. H

    what do smiles mean

    Women, typically, can read our minds. Which, believe it or not, gives us something of an advantage. If it's a woman you might be interested in, imagine yourself having sex with her when you make eye contact. You have to be smooth about it, don't pop a hard on or anything, but imagine yourself on...
  10. H

    Does PE work for everyone?

    I'm feeling pretty lucky. After my first month of only doing kegels, I've got about a half inch of length gained, but this is most certainly due solely to the improvement of my EQ. All the same, it is extremely motivating and I'm going to keep up Penis Enlargement to maintain that at the very...
  11. H

    Are You Capable Of Love Anymore?

    To quote Ross Jeffries: "There's no such "thing" as love. There's no such "thing" as passion. There's no such "thing" as attraction, or chemistry, or lust... these states are processes that take place inside the human mind and body... First, understand you do NOT fall in love with someone...
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