Recent content by Gonzo79

  1. G

    Alternative for cable clamp???

    DLD do you know where you can order cable clamps from online???
  2. G

    Cable clamp

    Hey lil more Im with you on that. I've been P'eing a while now (maybe 5 years off and on) and Im just back into it. I discovered the Captn's Wench device the other day and thought it was inspirational... sadly can't get my mits on any of the components necessary to put it together - cable...
  3. G

    Captn's Wench: PE Device

    Hey Guys Ive been looking for an ADS device that can be worn conspicuously under clothing and also something to intensify my manual stretching. I stumbled across The Captn's Wench and it looks like the answer to my prayers. Good work Captn!!! My question is: can any of you offer me some...
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