Recent content by EmptyWords

  1. E

    NEVER shave your ass hair!

    ggogeta, i know this is kind of off topic. you gained .75 girth in like 3 weeks?
  2. E

    NEVER shave your ass hair!

    "Looks like a good day for a drive!" by JFK. funny ass shit!!
  3. E

    some kind of ripping ( i doubt its serious)

    thanks alot for the response all of you guys, i took 3 days off, friday, saturday, and sunday, i dont remembbr whether i took thursday off, but it seems fine now, and tomorow im gonna restart my routine, and continue, hopefully i wont face this complication again. and singlelongdaddy, how long...
  4. E

    some kind of ripping ( i doubt its serious)

    a couple of weeks, thats too long, ive already been Penis Enlargementing for a while, and i have gotten a .000001" in gains at all, its raely frustrating, how the fuck am i supposed to believe in Penis Enlargement now, im not gomna stop, im gonna continue doing it, i took the day off, i want to...
  5. E

    some kind of ripping ( i doubt its serious)

    so should i skip doing my ruotnie for liek 2 days, or do it lightly, or any other advice. oh and your friend, just ripped that piece off?
  6. E

    some kind of ripping ( i doubt its serious)

    yeah, well today, when i was peein at work, and i pulled the foreskin back, i got a stinging feeling, in that place, but im gonna continue doing my normal routine. hopefully it'll pass
  7. E

    some kind of ripping ( i doubt its serious)

    okay, so i'm not circumsized, and basically when i do streching, i pull the foreskin back. between the foreskin and the head, there is like a thin line of skin that connects them together, its on the ventral side ( bottom side) it has a tiny little cut i guess you can say, now i dont want to...
  8. E

    record players

    okay i am not sure where this question would belong so i decided to stick it here, i recentley bought some records, but i haev no record player, i am looking for one that has 4 speeds, 16 ,33 1/3, 45, 78, and that also ahs the pause feature, anyone know one that is good and ranges around 50 -...
  9. E

    Passing out during workout???????

    "its okay, its okay to faint in the gym, i faint in the gym all the time, all the time" -Arnold Schwarzenegger (pumping iron) i knwo this isnt helpful, but my friend uses this quote at school all the time.
  10. E

    Stupid Mother Fucking Cowboys

    relax, its just a game that you arent playing, unless you bet on it, id suggest you try to calm down :)
  11. E

    Recommend A HardDrive

    black friday!! at compuas, they are sellin 200gb for 30 bucks after rebates. im not gonan go, but im thinking of goin to bestbuy to buy a 19" samsung LCD for 230. i dunno, actualy i think i should. i dunno, i sitll have one day to think. happy thanksgiving all
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