Recent content by crixus1

  1. C

    Wearing Sizegentics

    thanks a lot for the replys, ill try some things than ill report back! fwiw, cant wait to get better at this. im able to war the extender for two hours without pain and discoloration with the noose, after that my glans starts to hurt. or to be more specific, i think a certain blood vessle causes...
  2. C

    Bathmate and Newbies, How to Make Huge Gains Fast!

    i played this past week a little bit with Bathmate stretches and im slowly im getting the hang of it. lubricat at the base works fantastic for suction and wrapping balls to avoid that they get sucked in. unfortunately i think i wrapped too hard the first time and I got a micro bruise somewhere...
  3. C

    Wearing Sizegentics

    tried it now for a couple of days and it works really fantastic! im still new to the extender and I'm wondering if have the wrong settings to start with. i've read that the extender should be slightly longer than my stretched lenght. what does that mean exactly? is nbpel the steched lenght? im...
  4. C

    Wearing Sizegentics

    that sounds great, ill try it immediately! thanks
  5. C

    Wearing Sizegentics

    Hello, I was wondering what the correct way to wear the extender is. The way I see it I can either stretch the skin till the base or I can allow loose skin hang around. The latter feels way more comfortable, but obviously steals a little bit of tension and thus I need to turn the rods a...
  6. C

    Bathmate and Newbies, How to Make Huge Gains Fast!

    hey guys, i recently bought Bathmate and im starting to work out regulary. however, i have some difficulties stretching with Bathmate. i got the new Hydromax and not the X-40 version, is it possible that that causes my problems? the suction does not seem to last very long. This must sound...
  7. C

    aiming's strapping system.

    this is awesome. thanks a lot
  8. C


    ive noticed another thing: on my penis head i got lots of very tiny blurs with a different color (slightly more red). i guess this is normal? thanks for the tips so far!
  9. C


    i've read somewhere that masturbating is not good for pe, complete bullshit?
  10. C


    just about 2-3 hours at the moment. i guess that are way to little to skip it? anyways, i think ive found a solution to errections when stretching! i found out that when i do sports before doing pe i generally have less blood in my penis, thus stretching is easier! any other tips?
  11. C


    hi guys! i recently started pe. i use sizegenetics and i was wondering if it is okay to skip the streching exercises of my daily workout. i have problems with these exercises because my penis gets an errection all the time and ive read somewhere that the penis should be flaccid all the time...
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