Recent content by blacksheepnz

  1. B

    Cure For Premature Ejaculation Thread

    I find that breathing helps me also, like holding my breath sort of and then letting it out slowly.
  2. B

    People with Premature ejaculation

    Definitely work your PC muscle No doubt about it PC exercises have done amazing things for myself, REALLY intense orgasms and staying power like never before. TRUST ME IT WORKS! ps: Just a question Ryu, how long can you hold your PC muscle for? before I started the exercises I couldn't...
  3. B

    Why some men fake size

    My internet alter ego has a 12" tbh
  4. B

    Foreskin Frustration

    Definitely! Come & snap them backs! NZ women would fall for your movie accent and greed for the worlds oil resources haha jk
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    Foreskin Frustration

    Cut is definitely an American & religious thing. I'm from New Zealand & I've been playing rugby for around 15 years & in the showers I have NEVER! (When I do glance haha) seen a circumcised penis. We actually had this discussion at work once during a lunch break manly men & a few women...
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