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    • B
      Blace1 replied to the thread I need help with wrapping.
      I tried using Sims wrapping technique again and it worked better today. I think i will stick to that for now thanks for all the help.
    • B
      Blace1 replied to the thread I need help with wrapping.
      I think i have done the first technique that you have described wrong after further thinking. I would like to try that one again i just...
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      Blace1 replied to the thread I need help with wrapping.
      I am using that tape as the last layer are you saying i should use it as a layer directly on the skin? And i started just focusing on...
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      Blace1 replied to the thread I need help with wrapping.
      Okay i have tried it but it still doesn’t work for me i am really starting to lose hope at this point no wrapping technique that i ise...
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      Blace1 replied to the thread I need help with wrapping.
      I have full pulled back my foreskin my glans is fully exposed throughout the whole wrapping process and with the frenulum i basically...
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      Blace1 replied to the thread I need help with wrapping.
      I have wrapped it just like squirt_inducer_man shows it in his videos and that didn’t help. The only way i was able to do the expressive...
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      Blace1 replied to the thread I need help with wrapping.
      Yea i have tried all of the wrapping techniques from those videos and i still have that issue
    • B
      Hey guys i am new to this forum but not completely new to PE i bought the lengthmaster in hopes that this device wouldn’t slip like the...
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