shortdick;611085 said:
�naked people movies� destroying the mind

Too much �naked people movies�, or anything else, will destroy the mind...moderation in all things my Brother.
Exactly, in moderation its fine, nothing wrong, but its not in moderation for many nowadays.

In the UK, maybe next year they will be banning online �naked people movies�, and you will need to prove your age to sites that your over 18 years of age.

It can be overcome of course, as googling images wont be incl, but professional sites, and the well known video �naked people movies� sites will be restricted.

See�naked people movies�-block-ban-in-the-uk-age-verifcation-law
How I wish it was banned completely from the Internet. �naked people movies� has been such a destroyer of so many good things. I am still guilty of falling for it every now and again and even in these rare occasions I see how destructive it can be. I would love to have a society that so much how I wish it was banned completely from the Internet. �naked people movies� has been such a destroyer so many good things. I am still guilty of falling for it every now and again and even in these rare occasions I see how distractive it can be. I would love to have a society that puts the focus on love in monogamy instead of sexual permiscuity and sleeping around. �naked people movies� has normalized many behaviors that are so extreme and would never of been OK with people to three generations ago. We live in a fallen world and all we can do is put on the armor and try to get through this world without being dragged down into the gutter.
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