Recent content by youknowme123321

  1. youknowme123321

    Full capacity erection, need advice how to get it!

    Train it properly and consistently and you will continue to build strength in the area
  2. youknowme123321

    VACHANGER: any one gain using lower weights (5 lbs and under) and longer times?

    yes there is. It's you reminding me of Taylor Swift. B/c she has that haters gonna hate hate hate song. You're the hater who keeps hating...on me. See... You still keep coming after me even though you were told to stop. Are you trying so hard to get me banned that you're willing to get...
  3. youknowme123321

    LG Hanger - Please post your results/reviews

    These are possibilities with all compression style hangers including the lengthmaster but not if used correctly. I made sure to say that they are all avoidable. Post #162 in the thread below shows a pic shared by Iveadream of fluid build up, redness, and healing skin tears. He was using the MH2...
  4. youknowme123321

    VACHANGER: any one gain using lower weights (5 lbs and under) and longer times?

    I tried to hang heavy to soon and paid for it then gave up on the VH3. Then after months of it just sitting around I gave it try again. I stopped using the vacuum ring and began just using a silicone sleeve, built up weight slowly and was able to hang 13 lbs with no issues. Unlike you I come to...
  5. youknowme123321

    VACHANGER: any one gain using lower weights (5 lbs and under) and longer times?

    You're doing this again. Even after you were told to stop. Read through the few threads where only a few guys, who are �other forum� only promoters like you are an MOS only promoter try to put me down and make up lies to connect me to a tool I have nothing to do with. Without any facts. But...
  6. youknowme123321

    LG Hanger - Please post your results/reviews

    I didn't say that. I never said there won't be increased pressure. I said that without water escaping through a port the increased pressure leads to a compressive force with the water on the glans resulting in preventing blood blisters. Below is a quote of exactly what I said. In post #18...
  7. youknowme123321

    LG Hanger - Please post your results/reviews

    I posted this in your other thread then say you made this thread so I copy and pasted it from there. I have used both the Lengthmaster and the LGhanger. Both are very good tools. I got up to 27 lbs with the LM. I am currently up to 10 lbs with the lghanger. I had gotten up to 13 lbs with the...
  8. youknowme123321

    Considering purchasing...

    I have used both the Lengthmaster and the LGhanger. Both are very good tools. I got up to 27 lbs with the LM. I am currently up to 10 lbs with the lghanger. I had gotten up to 13 lbs with the VacHanger3 before starting the LGhanger. So far the LGhanger is giving me as good of a stretch and...
  9. youknowme123321

    Wife admits she's a size queen

    To speak on the "moving target" you have don't know if that will be the case. You don't know she will want bigger girth for sure. Is it possible she may and b/c you got to 6" she thinks why not go bigger, yes it's possible, but it's not guaranteed she will feel that way. Try not...
  10. youknowme123321

    Latest All Day Chemist Viagra Order, Unboxing (Pictures)

    Thanks for sharing. It is great to know there is a legit place to get viagra. Did the cialis do much for you erection wise?
  11. youknowme123321

    Where can I get a new xtreme x40 valve?

    Acromegaly - That is way better then buying one. Did you get yours through MOS?
  12. youknowme123321

    Iveadream's Hanging Log

    Awesome! I love sports pre wrap. It is what made a huge difference in comfort for me using an extender and the LM. I now use a silicone sleeve beneath before the sports pre wrap when I do bundled stretches and it is even more comfortable.
  13. youknowme123321

    Glans cap replacement?

    SO you want to know what the length of these gels caps are in cm? I've never used the gel cap in the link you sent
  14. youknowme123321

    how much lengthmaster time to grow?

    SO you're going to be using your lengthmaster for an average of 4 hours each day? That should be enough but if you can do more...great. As long as your erections are good and your penile skin is healthy
  15. youknowme123321

    Can't get seal on Bathmate X40 Extreme. Frustrated

    Yeah you have to position the hand pump hose just right over the valve to get it to suction properly. If it is off just a little it is tough to make work. Have you seen my videos showing how I use my XX40?
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